Silver Snail Poster - Final

Reader Jay Strange has kindly sent me a scan of the finished art for the Silver Snail poster I did, somewhere back around 1981 or so. I haven't seen it in a while; but looking at it brings back the memory of using an airbrush and frisket masking to create it. Photoshop is so much better and faster, but working with 'stone age' tools, as tedious as they were, certainly made for good discipline.
Excellent piece of art, Paul!
I like your taste for composition. Playing well with simmetry like you did here is not easy, congrats!
Dear old airbrush... all those masks, cutting, cleaning, drying...... bittersweet memories:)
Thanks roberto! You understand the problem, exactly...this one was a struggle I remember, because it was symmetrical/formal...tricky...
Yes, bittersweet is the right work, airbrush was a helluvalotta work...good practice though for making yoou think about the shapes you use, since you had to painstakingly cut each one out!!
I used to use an airbrush sparingly back when I was working in Walt Disney World. I'd employ it for some special effects such as streams of light in the undersea world of "The Little Mermaid", or throwing a corner of Geppetto's cottage into subdued shadow. But I just never liked using it because of all the anxiety it caused me, wondering whether I'd get the desired effect right, if it was going to spit, and of course, all the damn time masking out the areas I wanted to protect.
I always was in awe of your expertise with the airbrush, Paul. I remember you giving me a demo when I first moved to Toronto and visited you at the studio space you shared at the time with Mark and Scott. I remember thinking that it seemed like such a lot of prep work for each short spurt of the airbrush! Even though it is so much simpler to achieve similar effects today with Photoshop, I do think it's a shame that you don't have a nice tangible piece of original finished artwork to show for your efforts anymore. Ah well, such is progress...
Thanks for the nice comments & memory Peter...I don't miss the airbrush days though. Photoshop is way, way better. As far as having an original...well most commercial work I don't regard as 'art', nor is there usually much of a resale value to the I don't miss it, on balance.
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