Soft Boiled

Here's a scan of the opening page for a comic short story I illustrated back about 1984, written by Bruce Jones for the comic "Alien Worlds". I thought I had no record of it, but just found an old fullsize stat of it buried in the rubble (remember stats?). Inked old school--I used Pentel Brush Pens on it...long before everyone discovered inking with Pentel Brush Pens!
Paul, this is SWEEET!
Thanks daniel...always sobering when you get such an enthusiastic response to work that's...23 years old :)
Nice details! I love that rag tied up on the pipe above him in the first panel and the dead plant in the corner. You really give great sense of character in shots like this.
Thanks Dave it's nice that you noticed that stuff, it's exactly what I was trying for--it puts some "story" in the background too.
Really nice page.
Thanks Dominic!
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