Thursday, November 23, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Remembrance Day 2006

It's Remembrance Day here in Canada, the day we honour the heroes who fought and those who died to preserve our freedom in the face of relentless evil.
It's a rainy day here in Toronto, appropriately mournful. These are a few photos from our local ceremony at the cenotaph in the park. There were many older faces and a heartening collection of younger ones; all stood patiently. There were prayers and bagpipes and some hymns, and the man on the accordion played tunes such as "Pack up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag" and "The Colonel Bogey March" and you could see the older faces smiling, remembering also the happiness of days gone by. There were two minutes of silence at 11:00 am, broken only by the random wailing of babies in the crowd too young too understand--but no one minded since the parents obviously cared enough to bring them there and try to begin their education as to why this matters.
Wreaths were laid, speeches were made, and finally the veterans marched out again and it was over, and the young ones' fingers could go get warmed up in the welcoming houses...warm houses, secured by the bravery of our soldiers, the USA's, Britain's, and all the other countries who unite against evil and totalitarianism, then and now.
Heartfelt thanks to all those known and unknown, who stepped up and answered the call, yesterday and today.